Who is Yuanyuan?
Manna Yuanyuan, born in Markham, Ontario, he is a Canadian and has a 17 digit Social Insurance Number. Due to his Asian ethnic background, he is quite banana-coloured. He was unfortunately tanned a bit when he was young, he was too naughty and fell into a deep fryer for a minute. His age is always a mystery. He will only tell people how old is he whenever his cheek is kissed and has been asked politely, but his answer is different from time to time. He sometimes think that his freckles are sesame or black pepper, thus he lick them occasionally.

Yuanyuan is always happy and he loves to greet people. His right arm can never put down, as he said it's born to wave. He like to dance, but he only know how to dance like a bouncing fish ball, so please don't laugh at him when he is dancing. He sleeps like everyone does in the night. When he sleeps, his arms and legs shrink (but not his right arm that always greet) to look like a ball. Night time is dangerous for Yuanyuan, as he really looks like a fried fish ball when he is sleeping. He was once put into a hotpot by someone when he was snoring.